
About Me

Hi my name is Nicole B. I started this blog because lately I have been going through some major life changes. I wanted to share my journey and all the information I find along the way!

Change #1: I have recently decided to became vegetarian. I have two kids and have put on some extra weight. I got a book from the library called Skinny Bitch thinking that it was a diet book. Boy was it ever! Made me really think about what I was putting in my body. And shouldn't we?!? What we eat is what we live on and we should care where it is coming from and what is it made out of. Also in that same week I watched the documentary Food, Inc. I suggest reading and watching!

Change #2: Getting more organized. I am what I like to call a "failing perfectionist". I really want things perfect and organized but when I try and do it, it takes too long and I can never catch up! I always feel like I am drowning. So I found this AWESOME website (and when I say AWESOME, I mean AWESOME!!) called  Small steps and establishing habits to help you get out of mess and clutter and into clean, company ready home! I think that is such an awesome concept (and would love a company ready home all the time)

Change #3: Starting a small business from home. I have two little ones (ages 2 &4) and am trying to start a business from home. NOT EASY. My husband works and goes to school so ALL housework/childcare falls on me. So where do I get some time for my business? As soon as I figure that out, I'll let you know.

So I hope you come along this journey with me. Hopefully I will give you some useful information (and some helpful freebies!) along the way.