
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! It's been a long time since I have blogged. The last couple of months I have gone thru some stuff and learned a few things. So with that said, it's a new year and new game plan....

So they say that it takes 28 days (or a month basically) to develop a new habit. Each month I am going to pick one thing that I want to work on and stick to it for that month. January is fitness month.

I tried Tracy Anderson and it was too much of a time commitment so I have found this other program that I have done in the past and really liked and want to come back to it. It's called Exhale. They have 7 videos, one for each day of the week. So I will be doing one a day for the month of January.

I like these videos for two reasons. First is that each video is divided into 5 different chapters. So if you don't have time to do a full hour workout you can just do a couple of chapters. Second, they stretch a lot during the video which helps with not being so sore after completing the video (and builds your muscles leaner).

So this is the plan for January. Wish me luck.